Trey Gutierrez is a 26-year-old writer, editor, and Selena superfan.
Born and raised in Austin, Texas, he's served as a story & field producer for the El Rey Network culture program, United Tacos of America, and as a regular contributor to such publications as Austin Monthly, CultureMap, and Texas Monthly.
His work as a freelance journalist covers food, music, and arts & culture subjects with a focus on Latinx representation. Additionally, his travel writing and photography spotlights the Lone Star State's most engaging experiences (just ask him how many hours it takes to hand-build an authentic Texan cowboy hat).
Whenever he's not chasing a story, he's most likely working on his latest stage-play or on a grant for a local 501(c)(3) organization.
"I'm always looking for new ways to impact the world around me via my writing. If you're looking to collaborate -- or simply want to chat -- feel free to drop me a line!"